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Independient virtual english language learning: a case study in higher education

Dublin Core Elementos de metadatos PKP Metadatos para el documento
1. Título Título del documento Independient virtual english language learning: a case study in higher education
2. Creador/a Nombre de autor/a, institución, país Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas; UNIVERSIDAD DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA; España
2. Creador/a Nombre de autor/a, institución, país Mª Victoria Guadamillas Gómez; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; España
2. Creador/a Nombre de autor/a, institución, país Mª Prado García-Cano Lixcano; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; España
3. Materia Disciplina(s)
3. Materia Palabra/s clave
4. Descripción Resumen

The development of independent and self-learning strategies for Foreign Language Learning is of special interest in Higher Education. In particular, these strategies are essential in the Foreign Language Learning area (EFL), since students need to practise and strengthen their exposure to language so as to develop receptive and productive skills. The goal of this paper is to show how independent and virtual learning are developed by means of ICT. To this end, a group of tasks and activities have been designed, distributed and implemented by means of Moodle in the setting of a teaching innovation project in which different campuses and faculties of Education of the University of Castilla-La Mancha where English I is studied have taken part. Additionally, the initial results in terms of students’ perceptions about their independent and virtual learning are shown. Therefore, this paper focuses on a case study at Higher Education in which valid conclusions may be drawn for other similar settings where language learning and virtual learning need to be combined. Initial results suggest the students have responded positively in terms of their perception and participation. This validates the tasks and procedures carried out in the implementation of virtual foreign language learning.


5. Editorial Institución organizadora, ubicación Universidad de Málaga
6. Colaborador/a Patrocinador(es)
7. Fecha (DD-MM-AAAA) 2016-11-27
8. Tipo Estado y género Artículo revisado por pares
8. Tipo Tipo
9. Formato Formato de archivo PDF (English), HTML (English)
10. Identificador Identificador uniforme de recursos
10. Identificador Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
11. Fuente Título; vol., núm. (año) Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation; Vol. 2, Núm. 2 (2016)
12. Idioma Español=es en
13. Relación Archivos complementarios
14. Cobertura Localización geoespacial, periodo cronológico, muestra de investigación (sexo, edad, etc.)
15. Derechos Derechos de autor/a y permisos Copyright (c) 2016 Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation